Thursday, March 17, 2011

Same Old

Been quite busy with Uni these days, assignments here and there, extra readings that are not compulsory (but they pretty much are if you wanna do well) and whenever I'm not concentrating on uni I'm trying to find time to practise. I was always told uni was extremely laid back and that you have all the time in the world only to realise when entering that it was quite the opposite. Well maybe if all you had was uni then yeah i agree. But I mean mixing in 3000 word essays, with hours of guitar practice, work, and just having a life is not all that easy.

Anyway I plan to upload another video at the start of April, and another hopefully in the same month. I do get a mid semester break over easter so that will be a long awaited one. I could have uploaded this video earlier but there are just a few things I wanna touch up. With anything, if your gonna rush it it is gonna come out in the final product. Whether it be a photograph, a drawing, a song, a video etc.. I've always thought i could gloss over something and patch it up, but often others can tell do, so I've been disciplining myself not to get into that habit. I'm also taking some photos with one of my mates this weekend, so i'll be able to update my graphics and all on my website and youtube.

Not much going on in terms of music this week, but hopefully that will change with more playing and practise.

Keep an eye on my channel for the new video in the next couple of weeks. 


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