So it's one of those days where you have all the time in the world to do stuff, but nothing really gets done. More time is spent thinking about what to do than doing what you are thinking. I have another month and a half before I start university again, so in the mean time I have my job at the music school (starting next week), and my private tutoring at home. I also have many things which I would like to eventually record, but when you are a one man band its not easy to come up with each and every part on your own. But i guess if there is ever a time when I will actually have the time to record these things, it is in these 1 and a half months before Uni. I've heard that the second year of University is a lot harder than first year, and that finding time to fit in study and a part time job is hard enough. Guess I'm going to have to figure out some way to squeeze in practice for my grade 8 AMEB and my general recordings and songwriting for youtube into my study and work schedule so wish me luck.
During these days when spend most of the time thinking, I often wonder what kind of music I would like to create. Or, if I ever made it as a musician: what kind of music would I be playing? I guess i ponder over this because I appreciate all sorts of music and love playing all genres. And when I find myself writing stuff it is never consistent with a certain genre. It ranges from Pop Vocal Music - to New age world music - to classical - to easy listening acoustic - to theatrical sound tracks. I mean you can understand how I am in a bit of a musical identity crisis. It is frustrating at times, but at the same time it leaves my options open. If I fail in one, I have several more styles to try. So slowly you might see different sorts of music appear on my youtube channel, and you might think 'what is he playing....?'. But really I am just giving everything a go. Cause I ain't going to know if anyone likes any of my music unless I put it up right? I'm aware that I can't make everyone happy with my music, but the way I see it is: if your music has at least made one person smile, one person happy, or is enjoyed in someway by at least one person, then the effort was not a total waste, and plus you can at least say you tried.
That's all for now till next week.
Jesse Liang